Are you the change that this world needs to see?

hands sunWe wake up daily trying to get through our daily routine, seeking meaning in the actions we take. Often we are displeased with the world that we see. Often we are discouraged at the changes that would need to take hold in order for the world to be a better place. Often we leave the banner of change to someone else. Some one who has the time, has the money, doesn’t have family responsibility, someone who knows what needs to be done. These are some of our justifications as to why we are not the right people to bring about the changes to make a better world. Lately, the question I have had every morning is this: Are you the Change that this world needs to see? Is advancement waiting for you to take up a cause, to put forth your passion and your energy into service for others while simultaneously gaining self fulfillment for ourselves? Why not you? Who else but you? It is time to use all the talent that we have and to funnel it into something positive. The world is waiting for you to DO GOOD FOR GOOD (a borrowed title from my friend Melissa Sustaita’s blog:
Each an every one of us has been impacted by an issue. For some it has been poverty, for others it has been health for some it is the loss of loved ones. We all stand at the edge of our world during these times, hurting, aching wishing that the world wasn’t so. Yet within in us lies an immense power and potential to stand up and take a chance so that the banner of change may advance and in doing so find that our actions starts to heal the pain of that loss, of injustice of the wrongs we perceive in this world. So as you wake up ask yourself this question: Am I the change that this world needs to see? Have full confidence that the answer is a resounding YES! You were made to shine your light. Step forth into the shadows of this world and shine your light. Pledge to take up a cause, do take action to be a leader in your own right. If you are afraid trust that all of us have fear but if we do things in service to others that fear dissipates because we know that if someone doesn’t do something for somebody else, no one will do anything for anybody. That would be a sad, dark world indeed. Transcend the fear, for your cause is just. Mahatma Gandhi said it best, ” Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”


3 thoughts on “Are you the change that this world needs to see?

  1. Shirley says:

    I just printed out what you wrote and pinned it on my wall so I can read it over and over again for inspiration !!!

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